Showing 51 - 75 of 647 Results
Tears of the Indians : Being A Historical and True Account of the Cruel Massacres and Slaugh... by Casas, Bartolome de las, Ph... ISBN: 9781167266256 List Price: $29.56
Historia de Las Indias by Casas, Bartolome de las, Sa... ISBN: 9781176672154 List Price: $39.75
Bonfire at Dawn An Historical Tableau in Four Acts Based on the Life and Passion of Fray Bar... by Salom, Jaime, Zatlin, Phyll... ISBN: 9780963121202 List Price: $6.00
Mercancia, gentes pacificas y plaga: Bartolome de Las Casas y los origenes del pensamiento a... by Ruben A Sanchez-Godoy ISBN: 9781243680105 List Price: $69.00
Bartolome de Las Casas : The conquest's converted Converter by Bursztyn, Dan ISBN: 9781244034181 List Price: $69.00
Bartolome de Las Casas : His anthropology of the natives in his effort to evangelize Amerind... by Choe, Daniel Nam Yong ISBN: 9781244018327 List Price: $69.00
Popery and Slavery Display'D Containing the Character of Popery, and a Relation of Popish Cr... by Casas, Bartolome de las ISBN: 9781140667520 List Price: $18.75
Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to Americ : From A Manuscript Recently Di... by Columbus, Christopher, Bart... ISBN: 9781179577951 List Price: $29.75
The Tears of the Indians; Being an Historical and True Account of the Cruel Massacres and Sl... by Bartolome De Las Casas ISBN: 9781230334349 List Price: $14.87
To Heaven or to Hell : Bartolom� de Las Casas's Confesionario by Orique, O.P., David Thomas ISBN: 9780271080987 List Price: $24.95
In Defense of the Indians - Bartolome de Las Casas - Hardcover by Hanke, Lewis, Poole, Stafford ISBN: 9780875800424 List Price: $30.00
Del Unico Modo de Atraer a Todos los Pueblos a la Verdadera Religion (The Only Way to Bring ... by De las Casas, Bartolome ISBN: 9789681638450 List Price: $10.99
Bartolome de Las Casas and the Conquest of the Americas by Clayton, Lawrence A. ISBN: 9781405194273 List Price: $89.95
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies by Bartolome de Las Casas ISBN: 9781420963199 List Price: $9.99
Bartolom de las Casas by Helen Rand Parish, Bartolom... ISBN: 9780809103676 List Price: $22.95
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